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Hangzhou Dechuang Electronics Co., Ltd.
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    Since 2018, it has focused on the research of IR46, 698 and HPLC technical standards for the power industry, and has developed HPLC module automatic detection pipeline, overseas meter detection flexible production automatic production line, and overseas electric energy meter 200A detection device products.

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Hangzhou Dechuang Electronics Co., Ltd., established in November 2007, is a solution provider specializing in power metering and intelligent manufacturing. The company completed the construction of the first domestic electric power metering automation verification assembly line system at the start-up stage. On the basis of stable development in the field of power metering automation, we will continue to innovate and become the "leader in power metering technology innovation."
       With the advent of Industry 4.0, the company expands its intelligent manufacturing business in accordance with a series of national strategic plans such as Made in China 2025 and Internet+, and relies on the rich experience accumulated in the automation construction of the power industry, combined with the industrial upgrading of the Yangtze River Delta industry, machine substitution, etc. Combining the team's long-term accumulation and experience in software and services, realize the integration of informatization and automation, and promote "intelligent manufacturing to lead future production".

       Since 2018, it has focused on the research of IR46, 698 and HPLC technical standards for the power industry, and has developed HPLC module automatic detection pipeline, overseas meter detection flexible production automatic production line, and overseas electric energy meter 200A detection device products. Go deep into the construction of automated aging test projects of companies such as INVT, Danfoss, Hikvision, Otis in the Yangtze River Delta, and complete the continuous iteration and long-term iteration of the intelligent operation and maintenance software of Zhejiang, Liaoning, Sichuan, Tianjin, and Mengdong Electric Power service. The precipitation has formed core products based on assembly lines, micro-storage, detection devices, intelligent operation and maintenance software and services. Gather the field of detection automation.

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Hangzhou Dechuang Electronics Co., Ltd.