Jiaxiang County Machinery Plant Co., Ltd.

Main Products: Manufacturing & Processing Machinery...

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Jiaxiang County Machinery Plant Co., Ltd.

  • Main Products:

    Manufacturing & Processing Machinery

  • Location:

    No. 27jianshe South Road, Jiaxiang County, Jining, Shandong, China

  • Official Website

Our company was established on 1958, has 480 workers and we has export quliaty permit from 1990 and has export right given by the State Foreign Ecnomic Trade Committee in 1997.

Our company deals in drilling machine, milling machine, upright drill, radial drill, drilling&tapping machine, automotive feed drill, tapping machine, etc.

All the producs is good in qualitity and reasonble in price, all of them has a special design and they will be used for longer years than other machines of other suppliers of this line of machines.

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Jiaxiang County Machinery Plant Co., Ltd.