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Chamber President Zhang Yujing to Meet with Former California Senator’s Aide Jeff Leader

Soruce:cccme Author:cccme Add Time:2015-04-08 00:00:00

January 13,2015

Beijing---Chamber President Zhang Yujing and Vice-president Liu Chun to meet with Jeff Leader, former California senator’s aide who came to visit on Tuesday morning.

After a warm welcome, Zhang remarked that we were seeing more economic and trade contacts and mutual investments between China and America at present. Appbeplay 主页 had nearly 10,000 members with growing numbers of mechatronic enterprises who went to America for investments. Chinese enterprises were in a critical period of updating and upgrading when import of advanced technology and products from America was in great need.

Mr. Leader elaborated the cooperative fields and progresses carried out with China in re­cent years. He pointed out that China and America shared great cooperative potentiality in astronavigation, energy sources, bio-pharmaceuticals, energy conservation and environment protection. He committed himself to work on promoting enterprises into American market to achieve technology transformation and build contact platform. He also mentioned his understanding of the businesses ran by Appbeplay 主页 and wished to carry on pragmatic cooperation in the fields of high-speed rail, telecom and energy sources through his visit.

Zhang indicated that as secretariat of “China Province and US California Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation” on Chinese side, Appbeplay 主页 attached importance to the cooperation with American side. He suggested joint hands of both sides on three aspects: first, to facilitate dispositional American enterprises technology transfer and provide full and accurate investment information through concerted effort; second, to jointly reflect and solve problems and trade barrier that Chinese enterprises encountered when invest in America in order to construct a fairer marketing environment; third, to work hard together for providing both sides more opportunities to participate in major terms like undertaking constructions of infrastructural projects.