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Add Time:2014-10-28 00:00:00

Brief On The Los Angeles Regional Export Council (LARExC) 

Founded in 2010, LARExC is a non-profitable, non-partisan and membership regional organization aimed to serve the industrial and commercial circle of Los Angeles, promote regional export, absorb overseas investment, boost corporate tax revenues and create job opportunities.

Organizational Structure: LARExC functions under the leadership of the trans-department board made up of representatives from governments, industrial organizations, enterprises, colleges and universities. The board members are from eight organizations of the Californian state government, Los Angeles municipal government, International Trade Development Center, Regional Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Port, Los Angeles International Airport, University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles. Besides, United States Department of Commerce, Regional Export Commission of the United States, Los Angeles Economic Development Corp. are also its guiding organizations (see the following figure). The service of LARExC covers such five counties as Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, SanBernardino and Ventura, with its office located in Regional Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles.

Objectives: Ensuring and improving the employment of the export industry of Los Angeles; supporting the 5-year double increase plan put forward by the Obama Government; cultivating commercial environment with global perspective and export-oriented in Los Angeles; and improving the investment attraction of Los Angeles. 

Main Strategies: In accordance with the export opportunities, segmenting the regional enterprises in Los Angeles and the main export markets of the products; promoting Los Angeles throughout the world; and improving the coordination capability in improving export and investment attraction of the five counties of southern California.

Working Model: Providing professional export consultation services to export enterprises in Los Angeles; building pro-export regional network; conducting export researches in major areas; developing special websites to offer necessary information services; and improving existing export auxiliary system, etc. 

2014 Important Working Contents: Doing a good job of the Southern California Secretariat of “Joint Working Group of China and US. California Trade Investment ”; assisting Eric Garcetti, the Mayor of Los Angeles,  in the affairs of China, Japan, ROK and Asia branches; supporting Los Angeles in bidding for the regional project of “Choosing America”; and promoting the plan of “International Economic Cooperation Alliance City Program Between Los Angeles and Mexico City”.   



The Bay Area Council is a business-sponsored, public policy advocacy organization for the nine-county Bay Area. The Council proactively advocates for a strong economy, a vital business environment, and a better quality of life for everyone who lives here.

Founded in 1945, as a way for the region’s business community and like-minded individuals to concentrate and coordinate their efforts, the Bay Area Council is widely respected by elected officials, policy makers and other civic leaders as the regional voice of business in the Bay Area.

Today, more than 275 of the largest employers in the region support the Bay Area Council and offer their CEO or top executive as a member.

Bay Area Council Mission

We are business leaders committed to working with public and civic leaders to make the Bay Area the most innovative, globally competitive, and sustainable region in the world.

We improve the competitiveness and vitality of the Bay Area region by:

Informing and mobilizing business, civic, and political leaders on the most critical issues and opportunities facing the region.

Developing solutions for an ambitious vision for the region’s future with participation of business, government, labor, science and education.

Achieving results through advocacy and committed leadership to realize this vision.

To meet this commitment, we:

1. Identify the most critical challenges and opportunities confronting the region.

2. Conduct respected research and analysis that sets the agenda for major policy initiatives.

3. Promote understanding and collaboration among leaders of affected stakeholders.

4. Drive implementation of strategic policy solutions through political, business, and civic leadership.