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Add Time:2014-10-28 00:00:00


The Ministry of Commerce and relevant provinces of the People’s Republic of China and the State of California of the United States (hereinafter referred to as “the Two Parties”), through friendly consultation, have decided to establish the “China Provinces and US California Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Working Group”), and reached the following understanding:

Article I

The objectives of the Working Group are to expand trade and investment cooperation, strengthen communication, enhance trust, boost economic growth, and create jobs so as to implement the consensus reached between China’s Vice President Xi Jinping and Governor Jerry Brown when Vice President Xi visited the US in February 2012.

Article II

The Working Group is, on the Chinese side, led by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), with Jiangsu, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Shandong, Guangdong and Chongqing as its members. The commerce authority in each of these provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) will be responsible for the coordination. On the side of California, the member is the Governor’s office. The Two Parties will take in more members under appropriate circumstances in the future.

Article III

China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Mechanic and Electronic Products and  the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development join the Working Group as representatives of business community designated by the Two Parties respectively. Other government bodies, chambers of commerce or business associations can be invited to certain activities.

Article IV

The Two Parties respectively designate the Department of American and Oceanian Affairs of MOFCOM, and the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development of the State of California as contact points for communication and information exchange, and recipients of any notice required to be given under this MOU.

Article V

The Two Parties will set up an annual meeting mechanism in the forms of video conference or meeting in person. The time of each meeting will be decided by the two parties through consultation.

Article VI

The Two Parties are committed to creating an enabling environment for and providing necessary assistance to businesses. Cooperation can be conducted in the following ways:

--To summarize experience on regular basis and discover and work in a timely manner to solve concerns and difficulties Chinese and American businesses have in cooperation;

--To exchange information on a regular basis about trade and investment projects and exhibitions;

--To promote key projects of trade and economic cooperation;

--To hold an annual seminar on trade and investment cooperation in Chinese provinces and the State of California in turns;

--To organize exchanges of trade missions and help companies seek business opportunities;

--To organize delegations of entrepreneurs to attend economic and trade fairs held in China and the State of California.

--To promote Chinese cities like Chongqing and Qingdao to develop strategic cooperation relations with California Cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Article VII

The Two Parties will support companies to cooperate in the following key sectors: 


       biological pharmaceutics 

       information technology





       environmental protection 


Article VIII

This MOU will become effective on the date of signature.  Either of the Two Parties may terminate this MOU by giving the other party in writing 90 days prior to the intended termination date.

Article IX

The Working Group mechanism referred to in this MOU shall work together with other established and future mechanisms between relevant Chinese provinces and the State of California.

Article X

This MOU is done in duplicate in_________ on__________, in the Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.