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Soruce:中美省州合作专题子站 Author:中美省州合作专题子站 Add Time:2014-10-27 00:00:00

Brief Introduction to Chongqing and its Cooperation with the United States

Chongqing is the only independent municipality in mid-western China and the economic center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze. It is 82,400 km2  large with 33.43 million people. Chongqing is a state-level pilot area for coordinated urban-rural development, which gives it unique advantages in international trade, exemplified by the establishment of the Liangjiang New Area and the regular operation of Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe international railway. The city's keystone industries include electronic information, automobile, equipment manufacturing, general chemical engineering, materials and energy. In 2013, the city's GDP reached 1.2657 trillion yuan, recorded total trade of USD 68.7 billion, and urban resident's average disposable income was 25,216 yuan.

In 2013, Chongqing’s total trade with the US reached USD 10.65 billion, of which exports accounted for USD 9.07 billion and imports USD 1.58 billion. As of the end of 2013, Chongqing has approved 535 US-funded enterprises with USD 1,753.18 million investment in contract, of which USD 318.49 million has been put in use. Showcase JVs include Changan-Ford-Mazda Automobile Co., Ltd., Hewlett-Packard (Chongqing), Wal-Mart (Chongqing) and Otis elevator. As of the end of 2013, Chongqing investors have invested USD 307.7343 million in 24 newly founded  companies in the US.

After Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States in 2012  Chongqing was designated as a member city of the Joint Working Group on Trade and Investment Cooperation between Chinese Provinces and California by the Ministry of Commerce. Ever since then Chongqing and California have undertaking various in-depth cooperation in trade and commerce. In May 2013, California opened an official trade representative office in Chongqing, which is the second one in China after Shanghai. Direct flights between Chongqing and Los Angeles and San Francisco became available in August 2013, and Sacramento government attended the China Chongqing International Investment and Global Sourcing Fair for two consecutive years, which substantially facilitated collaborations and talksbetween companies from two cities. At the end of 2013, the trade representative office of California officially established the California Agricultural Products Exhibition and Sales Center in Chongqing’s bonded zone, giving an impetus to the export of California’s agricultural products to Chongqing.

This year’ cooperation plans between Chongqing and California include two aspects. One is to put Californian products on the bonded zone’s official website and encourage the sales and exhibitions in the physical store. The other is to usher in California’s clean energy technology in tapping Chongqing’s shale gas reservoirs, thus strengthening the collaboration of the two parties in the energy sector.