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Zhejiang A&F University Research
Soruce:Appbeplay 主页 Author:Appbeplay 主页 Add Time:2013-04-03 00:00:00

 In addition to one provincial discipline of utmost importance, seven key disciplines at the provincial level, and eight disciplines with qualification to accredit assistant professorship, there are also highly developed research institutes, such as a Forest-breeding Center of the State Forestry Administration, a provincial key lab, an engineering center, and two provincial key Science and Technology Innovation Service Platforms. In the past five years, about 1,527 projects have been carried out at the university. Research funding has reached 194 million RMB, with more than 25 projects receiving national and provincial awards. Among them, Production Technology and Application of Sliced Bamboo Veneer won Second Prize for the National Technology Invention Award in 2007. In addition, ZAFU also won Second Prize for the National Technology Progress Award as a key participant in another project. Moreover, ZAFU has won First Prize for Science and Technology Awards at the provincial level for three consecutive years. Up to now, among the 2,426 academic articles published, 170 pieces have been collected by three search systems, such as SCI, EI, and ISTP. The Journal of Zhejiang A & F University has been included in the elite group of journals in Zhejiang Province with its impact factor exceeding 1.0. In addition to all the above, a series of research results, after being put into practice, have had tremendous economic and social effects.

The Bamboo Industry’s Science and Technology Innovation Service Sector of Zhejiang Province wasfounded in 2006. In order to meet the needs of bamboo industry development in Zhejiang Province, this sector develops science and technology innovation, provides achievement transformation and technical information services, improves the bamboo industry’s science and technology level, strengthens domestic and international market competition, promotes a steady development of the bamboo industry’s economy, and aims to guarantee that the overall level of the Zhejiang Provincial Bamboo Industry will remain first in China.
The Wood Processing Industry’s Science and Technology Innovation Service Sector of Zhejiang Province wasfounded in 2006. This sector integrates existing resources, including equipment, scientific and technological achievements, and resource sharing knowledge of wood processing enterprises from scientists and technicians; provides necessary equipment and sites for wood processing enterprises, scientists, and technicians to conduct research and development, pilot transformations, and testing and information services; and to furnish product design, consultation, and training services for solving technical difficulties of general small and medium-sized enterprises.
3. Social Service
ZAFU gives full play to the predominance of science, technology, and talents; develops social services; and participates in “Building the New Socialist Countryside.” In this program experts go to the countryside, promote science and technology, provide technical advice, and quicken the transfer of theoretical and experimental achievements to practical application so as to help farmers cast off poverty and raise their standard of living.
  The National Level “Building of a New Socialist Countryside” Forum was held at ZAFU. (Left Picture)
4 . Science Research Achievements
National Technological Invention Prize (Superintendency)
The production technology and application of sliced bamboo veneer by Li Yanjun, Du Chungui, Liu Zhikun, all from ZAFU won the second prize of National Technological Invention Prize in 2007. This prize is the only one issued to forestry related research and it is also the first breakthrough for ZAFU in winning national prize. This research made a great contribution to the conservation and protection of forest resource and ecology in that sliced bamboo veneer are used to substitute the more expensive and scarce hard broadleaf material as overlaying ornamental material with better effect. This new technology help make better use of bamboo and improve its added value, let alone improve the income of farmers. This technology fills the void of domestic bamboo processing and gets ten patents or so successively.
National Science and Technology Progress Award (Participation)
Professor Zhou Guomo won the second prize of 2007 National Scientific and Technological Progress Award for his participation in the research and promotion of key technology on selective breeding and directional cultivation of four main fine economic forest tree species in the south. On this program systematic study was conducted on germplasm nursery buildup of ginkgo, rosette bamboo, neem and Camptotheca acuminate as well as on genetic analysis, selective breeding of fine tree species, fast multiplication technology, high-quality strong seedling cultivation, key technological innovation on directional cultivation. Relevant theories put forward on this program further enriches the content of disciplines such as forest ecology, silviculture, and food processing  It also makes great contribution in facilitating the standardization, scientificity, industrialization, engineering of material forest cultivation while bracing up and accelerating the development of the cultivation and processing of material forest.
First Class Science & Technology Award of Zhejiang Province                      
“Key Technology and Industrialization of Effectively Managed Bamboo Shoots and Culms”     (2005)
“Selective Breeding and Effective Cultivation Technologies for New Economic Tree Species and Varieties”. (2006)
“The Research and Application on Key Technique of Charcoal Production, Applied Mechanism and Series Products” (2007)
Prof. Wu Rongling, specially employed by the Zhejiang Provincial Government, published the article “Functional mapping - how to map and study the genetic architecture of dynamic complex traits” in Nature Reviews: Genetics (March 2006, Vol. 7)